
Grenades in CS2

Oct 06 2023
158 views 1 min read

Grenades in CS2

On the night of September 30, an update was released that introduced various changes for grenades in CS2.

For example, a bug with grenade sounds not being produced when exploding in the air has been fixed. Separate grenade sounds were also added during landing in the game zone and outside of it.

In addition, G2 Esports sniper – m0NESY – advised to set up grenade binds.

“I have the light grenade set to the F button, because F is flashbang. I set the smoke grenade to C, the Molotov Cocktail to X, and the shrapnel grenade to T. Always have good binds for grenades. Players die all the time while picking a grenade.”

In the last patch for CS2, demo and CSTV recording was disabled to improve server performance.

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